Sunday, August 23, 2020

Write A Detailed Film Analysis For Your Blog



I'm a cinephile and experienced writer who can provide you with the highest quality and creativity ever, and in the least manner of time. 

Why me?

Cinema has always been such a therapy for me over the years, you can say that I'm obsessed with watching movies and reviewing them. And as a cinephile writing a cinematic review or analysis is not that simple. It takes someone to be a fan of all those Classic Movies back in the 1940s to early 2000s, whether they are European movies, Asian, or American ones.

And throughout my experience, I learned that there are various directing choices, plot progression methods, and other techniques that film directors and producers use in their productions. It takes a keen eye to notice and deduce all this and that's what I am here for.

I will provide you a professional and flawless review that is not only limited to elements like Script, Characters, Acting, Timing, Visuals, and Sound. But, I analyze:

- Mise-en-scene 
- camera shots
- Cinematography
- Themes
- Point of View 
- Editing ..etc

Take advantage of free consultation on our services.

Best regard,



: : : : :

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